Workout with PRIDE logo
50% off your first class
Get 50% OFF your first class: Use the code NEWBIE when booking the class of your choice.
* Personal training is not part of the offer

Frequently Asked Questions

Haven’t found what you’re looking for? Don't hesitate to Contact us

Where are you located?

We hire studios across London. Check out the full address on the booking form.

I’m not part of the LGBTQIA+ community. Can I still join?

Absolutely everyone is welcome at Workout with PRIDE. As long as you follow our values and are an ally to the community, then you are welcome.

I’m new to fitness. Will I be able to keep up?

All our classes cater to all levels. Everyone works at their own pace. If you need to rest or take a break, please do so, then join back in when you’re ready.

Do I have to attend the post-workout social

Our after-class socials are optional. We have arranged discounts at all our local restaurants to ensure we can keep the price point low. Feel free to bring a friend to the social even if they didn’t come to class.

Do you have lockers?

Most of the locations have lockers. Some require a padlock or £1, and others operate on a code combination setup. Alternatively, you can bring your belongings to the studio.

What do I need to bring?

Workout kit, suitable trainers and water. Please note that not all our studios have towels. Please bring one with you.

Are there showers?

Yes, but please bring a towel.

Do you have disabled access?

All the studios we hire have ground floor or lift-accessed disabled changing rooms and showers. Some studios are only accessed via steps, though. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to discuss your requirements.